So...after a friend saw my other paintings, she made a request. She wanted a Tim Burton style Alice in Wonderland painting. My response in my head was ".....................You want what?!.............You think
I can do this!?............I don't know about this one......" What I said to her was "UM...I can try. I don't know how it will turn out. I've never done one like this before. This will only be my 5th painting
EVER. Are you sure you want me to do this?!" Her response was along the lines of "Absolutely! I believe in your ability."
I used four 12x12 canvases and arranged them so they were off kilter.
View from the side. Yes, I DO like to paint the sides of the canvas too. |
The whole thing all together. See what I mean about putting them off kilter? |
This is my favorite guy - The hooka smoking caterpillar. I LOVE the way he turned out. He looks way better in person. See the crown? A nod to the Queen of Hearts. |
Both my most, and least favorite mushrooms are here. |
Close up of the Cheshire Cat. I know I could have done better....But he was literally the first thing I painted on the canvas after the base of light blue/white, so I forgive myself. |
A close-up of the White Rabbit. He also looks better in person. His fur looks soft and real in person. I'm very pleased with how he turned out - he's my 2nd favorite in the painting. |
So... That was my first attempt at a complicated request that included animals. Overall I'm very pleased. There are some things that I would change if I were to do it again. And this took a LONG time to make. But, like I said...5th painting ever. Now on to the next project!
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